Swamp Ass: How to tackle bum sweat once and for all

Swamp Ass: How to tackle bum sweat once and for all
If there’s one body part that puts in the hours and works overtime, it’s our bottoms. From keeping the whole Earth from falling out of us, to our glutes being imperative to everyday movement, it’s no wonder they might get a little sweaty from time to time. That's right, you’ve not sat in anything gross, the back garden sprinklers have just turned on, and your posterior’s perspiration is nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, every garden needs a little watering to grow the perfect peach.
If you’re someone that leaves quite the impression on the rowing machine seat at the gym, this one’s for you. Understanding the root causes of bottom sweat and how to prevent it from ruining your day is essential to feeling confident and comfortable on the daily. Forget the awkwardness; it happens to all of us, so we’re diving butt-first into the panty sauna, covering how to tackle butt sweat and keep it from killing the vibe whilst we mop things up below the waist.
We don’t know how many things you have on your plate right now, but after today, a sweaty bum won’t be one of them.
Understanding bottom sweat
What causes butt sweat – why is my bum always wet?
Bum sweat, Mother Nature’s morning dew, is completely natural (albeit annoying). Our bodies are equipped with sweat glands all over the shop, and the bottom is no exception to this, helping to regulate temperature and keep our skin moisturised. When things get hot and heavy down there, these glands work overtime, releasing a moisture burst down below. Tight clothing, synthetic panties, and prolonged sitting can increase the amount of sweat we produce between our cheeks.
Exercise is another thing that can keep your cake moist, they don’t call it the perspiration station for nothing, you know! When engaging in physical activity, the increased blood flow can intensify how much we sweat. One of the most important things to note is that our bottoms have creases and crevasses, just like our armpits, making for the perfect sweat enhancer whilst nurturing bacteria growth. Smaller things that might impact sweat are diet related, like spicy foods and caffeine, which can increase sweat production in general. Understanding why we sweat below the waist and what is one thing, but how it affects us opens a (w)hole other can of worms.
What issues can butt sweat cause if not handled properly?
Although bottom sweat it completely normal and usually not cause for concern, that doesn’t mean that excessive sweating down there doesn’t have negative side effects when not handled properly. Here’s a few ways bum sweat can throw a spanner in the works, overheating the entire machine:
Chafing: When our delicate tushy skin is exposed to moisture for prolonged periods it can cause friction in all the wrong places, resulting in skin irritation and chafing. This can manifest in redness, soreness, and even painful rashes, particularly in areas where the skin rubs together.
Unwanted smells: The groin area is densely populated with apocrine glands, which produce a thicker type of sweat, rich in proteins and lipids. These nutrients are a feast for bacteria, which break them down and release odorous compounds. Areas like the butt are often warm and moist, making them prime real estate for bacterial growth which means more chance of smelling.
Bacterial or fungal infections: Sweat creates a warm, moist environment ideal for fungi and bacteria to thrive. This can lead to fungal infections like jock itch or infected hair follicles which can leave you irritated below the waist.
Maceration of the skin: When skin is kept wet for a long time, it wrinkles and becomes more prone to tearing. If this happens to the sensitive skin down there, it can result in soreness, itchiness, and irritation which is a real pain in the ass to get rid of.
General discomfort: It goes without saying that when we’re slipping and sliding down there all day, it’s going to get uncomfortable. Having to worry about this on a daily basis can really affect our quality of life, especially when we’re too embarrassed to open up about our sweaty backsides with those around us.
The main thing to remember is that these issues can all be prevented with some minor habit changes, keeping you dry and irritation-free between your cheeks.
How to get rid of bottom sweat?
Now that we know the consequences, it’s high time we looked into how to prevent our peaches’ perspiration problems. Here are the most poop-ular:
Wear the right threads
The type of underwear you wear has a big part to play in butt sweat. Breathable materials like cotton are your friend, keeping things fresher than when wearing tight, synthetic underwear. If you’re suffering with a wet bottom, it might be time to lose the leather and latex and invest in something less confining.
Pair and a spare
If you’re someone who’s prone to sweating more, especially when exercising, packing a spare set of pants is a sure way to feel more confident throughout the day, as well as giving bacteria less time to accumulate and irritate your precious peach. Wait – did we just reveal Victoria's secret (gasp)?
Stand up for yourself (and your bum)
Sitting down for long periods can really dampen the mood down there. Be sure to get up and move about every 20-30 minutes to give your bottom some well needed breathing time. As is the same as your underwear, the types of materials you sit on can have an impact on how much you sweat down there. Leather, wood and plastic can increase posterior perspiration on a hot summer's day. Opt for other fabrics to prevent getting drenched.
A double take on hygiene
Hygiene plays a huge role on keeping your nether regions in check. Be sure to wash your bottom thoroughly with a gentle soap in the shower. Want to keep clean between toilet visits? Why not try an anti-microbial toilet paper gel to get rid of that bacteria and keep super clean throughout the day? It might just be what your bottom has been missing!
Control sweat and moisture
If you’ve been trying to keep that soggy saddle under wraps to no avail, moisture absorbing products like talc-free baby/body powder could do wonders for your sticky issue down there. If you’re finding that your sweating has come hand in hand with pruritus ani (anal itching), there are also medicated body powders that can help with drying and cooling the area.
Butt Sweat No-Go's
Stick or Aerosol?
Not all deodorants are made to be applied to sensitive areas like your bottom. They’re usually made with irritants like heavy fragrances to combat scents. This will only cause more irritation in the area. Fragrance-free baby powder is your best bet on this front.
Excessive wiping
Constant sweating down there can leave us irate, making us want to scrub ourselves dry. Ignore these impulses, excessive wiping is never the answer. Over wiping can cause soreness, skin damage, inflammation and, in severe cases, haemorrhoids and fissures. Not worth the hassle! Wiping should be gentle yet effective to reduce the chances of experiencing the above.
Wet wipes
Although wet wipes might seem like a great idea to get rid of sweat and bacteria, they often contain irritants like parfum and chemical preservatives, which can strip the skin of its protective oils, leaving you open to bad bacteria and irritation. They’re also not flushable, so it’s better to opt for a soothing, eco alternative to keep things in check down there.
Harsh soaps and scrubs
Abrasive soaps or scrubs can strip natural oils, irritate the skin, and exacerbate sweating. Although it may seem like the logical way to remove sweat and bacteria, you could end up worse than you started off. Gentle, pH balanced soaps are great, and keeping topped up with a pH balanced toilet paper gel during toilet visits is even better to keep everything spick and span down there.
Should you see a doctor about bum sweat?
Sweating is a completely natural and healthy thing that your body does, even if it does end up resulting in swamp ass. However, you should be able to trust yourself to understand when things aren’t right down there.
In some cases, excessive sweat may indicate an underlying condition called hyperhidrosis. Some of the underlying conditions that can cause hyperhidrosis include thyroid problems, diabetes, hot flashes caused by menopause, infections, nervous system disorders, and certain types of cancer. Of course, if this is the case, you will most likely notice other symptoms as well.
If you think you might be experiencing hyperhidrosis, it’s always great to chat with a health professional.
Wiping down
Swamp ass is never going to be fun, and sure, it might be a little embarrassing from time to time but that shouldn’t prevent us from tearing that rowing machine up! By using the above tips and no-go's, you’ll be able to keep bottom sweat well under wraps, whilst fighting off any negative side effects that might come with it. This will help to ensure you can feel comfortable and confident throughout the day, no matter where your bottom may guide you.
If you’re someone who’s prone to a soggy saddle and want to keep things fresh throughout the day, the Wype Starter Kit will help to keep you spick and span no matter what kind of day you’re having. Our pH balanced, hypoallergenic formula cleans gently yet effectively, much kinder to the sensitive skin on your bottom than harsh soaps and wet wipes.
Swamp Ass FAQs
Brilliant. Been using for ages… really works well and helps confidence.
Found that really interesting as I thought there was something wrong with me as I get that now and again. Since using your products tho I think it’s certainly has helped and I find your products so soothing down below and there’s no stickiness at all which is fantastic. Absolutely love love love them keep up the good work I’ve stopped buying wet wipes now since getting your products
I’m just getting to the end of my first starter kit, and what a game changer ! I’ve told family and friends and it’s so much better for your skin and the environment
I’ll be ordering more .xx
Love your blogs, well written, funny and informative 👍 👏 👌 😀
Don’t forget, certain medication, like some anti depressants, can cause extra sweatyness. I don’t normally have a sweaty bum but on antidepressants I got awful night sweats on my glutes.